Monday, December 31, 2012

Jacob at 4 Months

I know, I know I am really late this month with these photos. I took them on time, but then when it came to editing and posting I really slacked off. We had the flu epidemic and then colds and then Christmas. I am just getting back on track, so expect a few more days of silence from me. Sorry, I am working on it! Anyway, enough chatter. Here is my adorable 4 month old:

At 4 months he laughs at everything. He has a great sense of humor (I don't know what else to call it) and grabs everything he can reach. Jake has a vise like grip and we have the bruises and scratches to prove it.  

The second we lay him on his back he flips to his tummy and checks out the world from that angle. 

He has found his toes and is very close to getting them in his mouth. I am so excited because I love when those tootsies start getting sucked on. I think it is one of the cutest things ever!!

He definitely is a watcher and likes to take it all in. With a big sister like Elise, there is a lot to process! 

It looks like his dark hair has left the building and we might (hope) we have a redhead! I can't say how much we love this little man. He is ridiculously fun and even Elise has really warmed up to being a big sister. We are a family of four now and sometimes it is still hard to believe!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Gorgeous Eggs Part 2

Oh, I just couldn't help myself... 


Monday, December 17, 2012

Broken Hearts and a Case of the Flu

This Thursday we all came down with the flu in this house. Everyone except Jake of course (although I am still holding my breath). It was a terrible couple of days and we are not done yet, but since we had Happy Feet on repeat, we missed what happened in Newton, Connecticut. I had a couple of blog posts pre-scheduled but I wanted to take a moment to pay my respects. When I found out, I held my babies so tightly and cried for the families that would never be able to do so again. We live in a crazy, scary world and all I can do is teach my children to be kind and loving and hope that the same will be returned to them. 

I pray that the families will find peace in this terrible event and I thank God every day He gave me my babies.   Things like this put everything in perspective...

Gorgeous Eggs Part 1

While working on some projects, I just had to photograph these tiny eggs. Smooth and strong and just perfect. Nature always inspires and surprises me. Hope this isn't too much of a photograph overload!


Friday, December 14, 2012

Model Shots

When my sister was in town, I managed to get some shots of her wearing my jewelry. I wish I had taken an ton more, but I like the way they turned out. Isn't she beautiful?


Thursday, December 13, 2012


One of my goals dreams for my jewelry was to be published in a magazine. This summer I finally bit the bullet and submitted two necklaces to my favorite jewelry publication. What a stressful feeling to really put yourself out there. I have not been that nervous in a long while. To my excitement, both were picked up for an article! After months of waiting and anticipation, my article came out and here is is! I am so honored to be in the winter issue, and thrilled that people all over the country will get to see my work and hopefully make some of their own. 

I love the layout, the photos and everything about this. I am over the moon to be featured! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Making of the Winterroth Christmas Card

We are on our third outtake of our Christmas card around here. I have been hating all of my photos lately and the noncooperation of this family is incredible. I mean, in one photo I actually caught Jake mid spit up (I'll spare you that one). All were either grainy, overexposed or just blurry. I am still not totally happy with the final one we chose, but I was darn tired of taking photos. That is why I made a commitment to myself in 2013 to educate myself more on taking perfect (or as close as possible) photographs. I don't want to forget these moments and what my cuties looked like. 

The best of our first shoot. Overexposed! I was shooting with a remote at the fussiest time of day for these kids, so really if I had done a better job of getting my settings right, this would be our Christmas photo! 

Second try: Elise looks good but Jake is so blurry! Wah- lets try again!

My third and final shoot was of them laying down. I thought that might be better because then Jake would be more comfortable. Well he was....

and I caught this gem. It cracks me up every time I see it. I thought she was exaggerating but then I saw the clump of hair he managed to pull out. Oops.  Anyway, the one I chose is still pretty grainy, but I am pretty happy with it. I hope it looks ok printed. 

Here is the one I used. Not perfect, but it kinda describes our life right now. Exhausting and fuzzy yet fun. What is your favorite favorite Christmas photo?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Ode to French Ribbon

Ohh french ribbon, how I love you so.

With your soft woven ridges

Your vintage typography.

Your weathered paper edges

Your eloquent french.

Your protective paper between layers. Packaged with care.

Your misty blues. 

Your way of making me sigh with satisfaction. Until we meet again...

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Trip To Renningers

Renningers Antique Extravaganza only happens three times a year and I try to go at least once. Since I had the kiddos it has gotten progressively harder to get away, so I was shocked and pleased to make it work this time.  Unfortunately, I didn't end up with much, but I had a great time. I also had plans to take photos of inspiring booths but I got there and was so excited I never took a single shot! I lugged my camera around 117 acres for nothing!
Here are the items that I picked up.
Antique photo frames...

This awesome pattern paper for embroidery. I can't wait to coat that in resin and see what happens! Also picked up some vintage pieces of tape measure.

My favorite items I found were these rusty iron numbers of all sizes and shapes. LOVE!

Of course I photographed them the most.
So that was my meager haul. Sorry it wasn't more exciting. There is always next time!